What our faces do:
The anonymous and confidential nature of Ears for Peers necessitates that information about our members be kept private. However, we have three members, called “Faces,” whose role is to be the public face of Ears, and therefore they do not take calls on the line. You may have seen them tabling at Dewick or Carm, or representing Ears at on-campus events. If you have questions about Ears for Peers, please don’t hesitate to approach them.
2024- 2025 Faces
Nina Forrest
Nina (she/her) is a senior majoring in clinical psychology on the pre-med track, and has been an Ear since her sophomore fall! She’s also involved in MARCH, the maternal health advocacy club on campus, and the Ivy sorority. Nina’s hobbies include yoga, reading, and trying new coffee shops/recipes. She would love to answer any questions, whether Ears related or otherwise. You can reach her by emailing Haninah.forrest@tufts.edu!​
Nessren Ourdyl
Nessren Ourdyl (she/her) is a rising senior studying Cognitive & Brain Sciences on the pre-med track. She has been an ear since her sophomore year! She is also involved with College Access & Mentoring Initiative at Tufts, Tisch Scholars, and TCU Senate. Outside of class, Nessren loves creating art, doing henna, and enjoying a good cup of coffee on campus. She would love to answer any questions or concerns you have about Ears4Peers! Email her at Nessren.ourdyl@tufts.edu​
Maia Singham​
Maia (she/her) is a senior majoring in Clinical Psychology and Community Health. She is from Malaysia, Australia and Sri Lanka. She has been a member of ears since her sophomore year. She is also vice-president of 180 Degrees Consulting and the International Club. You can usually find her distracted in the campus center or laying on prez lawn when it’s warm outside! She would be more than happy to answer any questions you have about ears and don’t be afraid to say hi if you see her around campus!